10:00 - 10:30

ACstyria Enabling Innovation Info-Talk:

Going smart and digital – why now?


Keeping up production, protecting your staff and staying operative is a challenging task. Smart Production and its undoubted significant benefits may not be the first thing on a to do list these days. In a live interview on executive level with David Stewart & Matti Tiano from VISUAL FACTORIES we are discussing how going smart can make businesses not only more efficient, but safer – and be part of an appropriate strategy for the challenges we are dealing with.


Diese Veranstaltung ist EFRE kofinanziert.

Keeping up production, protecting your staff and staying operative is a challenging task. Smart Production and its undoubted significant benefits may not be the first thing on a to do list these days. In a live interview on executive level with David Stewart & Matti Tiano from VISUAL FACTORIES we are discussing how going smart can make businesses not only more efficient, but safer – and be part of an appropriate strategy for the challenges we are dealing with.


Diese Veranstaltung ist EFRE kofinanziert.