COMET: Starlight hours of research
At the heart of COMET is a jointly defined research programme at the highest level. Companies and universities or R&D institutions form synergies that position Styria prominently in the international innovation landscape. Currently, our province is involved in 24 of the 38 Austrian research centres in the programme. COMET comprises three lines of action: COMET centres (K1 and K2), COMET projects and COMET modules. They diverge in terms of goal orientation, internationality, project volume and duration.
COMET Centres (K2)
aim to focus on existing competencies and build new competencies through collaboration with internationally renowned researchers, scientific partners and companies in a joint strategically oriented research programme at the highest level.
at least one scientific partner and five corporate partners
eight years (from the 3rd call), previously ten years
- 40 % to max. 55 % of public funding
- at least 5 % by scientific partners
- at least 40 % by corporate partners
- maximum federal funding: 4 million euros per year
- maximum state funding: 2.0 million euros per year
COMET Centres (K1)
research at a high international level and provide new research impulses. The continuous international comparison must be ensured. Concerning future-relevant markets, they contribute to the initiation of new product, process and service innovations.
at least one scientific partner and five corporate partners
eight years (four plus four)
- 40 % to max. 55 % of public funding
- at least 5 % by scientific partners
- at least 40 % by corporate partners
- maximum federal funding: 1.7 million euros/year
- maximum state funding: 0.85 million euros/year
COMET projects
contribute to the initiation of new product, process and service innovations. COMET projects enable new consortia and topics to access the COMET programme. The aim of COMET projects (formerly K-projects) is to carry out high-quality research in cooperation between science and industry with a medium-term perspective and clearly defined topics with future development potential.
at least one scientific partner and at least three business partners
three to four years
- fix 45 % public funding
- at least 45 % by corporate partners
- residual financing must be secured
- maximum federal funding: 450,000 euros/year
- maximum state funding: 225,000 euros/year
COMET modules
are characterised by particularly high-risk research that goes well beyond the current state of the art and builds up new regional areas of strength. The goal of the COMET Module programme line is to establish forward-looking research topics and build up new fields of strength to equip Austria as a research location for future challenges.
at least one scientific partner and three corporate partners
four years
- 80 % of public funding
- at least 5 % by scientific partners
- at least 15 % by corporate partners
- maximum federal funding: 0.5 million euros/year
- maximum state funding: 0.25 million euros/year
COMET – the target groups
The programme is aimed at existing competence centres and networks as well as new consortia. The target group includes small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large enterprises (JVs), universities, universities of applied sciences, competence centres and research institutions.